Why Homework Doesn’t Benefit the Elementary School

It’s high time for parents to gear up the need to change homework policy for elementary school children. A person who follows rules and enjoys task completion will not anticipate having any problem with doing homework. It’s hard to make math homework both effective and uninteresting. If you need to go with the most effective arguments to change your school homework policy, you must do your homework well.

Young grade homework has no academic impact

There is a disagreement between scholars over the homework’s educational value. Many academics agree that little bump homework should start in middle school or later. In the book titles The Homework Myth, the author (Alfie Kohn) concludes that there is nothing to showcase any academic benefit from homework in elementary school. Instead, reading self-selected material boosts literacy. It’s why many elementary schools are moving towards homework policies that need reading. They prefer homework that gets read to and not exercises or problems. On the other hand, Linda Long, a fourth-grade teacher at a Francisco school, sees value in the act of carrying a piece of paper to do homework at home and bringing it back to school. She urges that this act builds responsibility and organizational skills.

Research showing that doing homework increases conscientiousness in grades five to eight seems thin. Many students who don’t complete the homework say that they can complete the tasks hastily or ignore them.

Homework is more harmful than being helpful to families

Linda Long says homework helps families be aware of their children’s classroom learning. According to Professor Cooper, homework gives parents a great chance to express positive attitudes towards achievement.

There are many ways parents can do these things. They can use the teachers’ updates. Asking parents to administer homework to learners can damage the family relationships arising from resentment and power struggles.

Homework can also give learners a negative attitude towards the school. The homework overloads lower the young minds the desire to learn.

HomeWorks takes the time to do other important things

Homework steals time for after-school activities in some children. The activities include outdoor time, imaginative play, physical activity, sibling bonding, socializing, and reading for pleasure. All these activities are beneficial neurologically and developmentally.

Heather Shumaker urges that if teachers and parents get worried about behavior and academics in school, then learners need to sleep and not do homework. The more learners sleep, the better their memory and learning. They develop a better focus that makes them pass the exams and control their impulses.

What should you do if you don’t agree with the amount of homework your kids get from school?

Be patient and don’t rush into making changes. There are many avenues to push against homework, each with a unique personality type.

Inform the PTA why students shouldn’t have homework

You can’t do this alone. Invite another parent with the same mind and approach the teacher to discuss it. Talk to parents and bring the issue to the PTA. You can use surveys, petitions, and templates when writing to the teacher and reaching out to other parents, board meetings, and PTA.

Take yourself out of the equation

Not everyone will agree with the parental involvement level needed in the homework assignments. Let the children understand that the homework is between them and their teacher. The children can decide to do it well, and if they fail to do it, they can negotiate with the teacher.

If you are a conflict-avoidant parent, ask for one homework question

Ask if a school has any fixed policy regarding the classroom and the school. Don’t get surprised that many schools have policies that teachers don’t observe. Find a way to encourage the teacher to follow the set policies.


homework is only beneficial if given in the correct form. Don’t overwhelm learners with huge assignments that will make them lose interest in academics.  

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